This page was last updated on: October 21, 2023


         For related information, please check out the Facebook page 
               (if you are not already a member, send a request!)  

           The 50th Reunion was held October 13-15th, 2023


We always plan a variety of things 
to do during our Reunion weekends!

We know many of you are coming 
in from all over the world and we 
want to make sure there are a variety
of events so you can see as many of 
your former classmates as possible 
as well as having a great deal of fun!

Not everyone is up for a crowded 
event so we do have smaller events 
such as the Friday night "ice-breaker", 
tours of the former schools & churches, Homecoming game & parade, Sunday brunch, etc. Please
don't feel you MUST attend each and 
every gathering if you aren't up to 
it.....just pick what is most important 
to you! 

Remember if you need to 
be picked up at the Airport, 
please send Julie an email 
with your flight details and 
we will be sure to have a 
classmate there to pick you
If you'd rather not rent a car, 
let Julie know that too and 
we will have you picked up 
for the activities! 

Additional details: 

This was your 50th Reunion 
Committee Members!  

Melanie Foster

Jann Stahr

Kathie Sjoberg

Tim Nagy


For our 50th Reunion in 2023, 
the classmate that came the 
farthest was Linda Webb-Brownell who came all the way from England!

For our 45th Reunion, the winner was Garry Simpson 
who arrived home from Afghanistan the night before!!